Nanoform Finland
-4,84 %
First North Finland
Medical Equipment & Services
Health Care
3.500 følger denne virksomhed
Nanoform Finland is a medical technology company. The company specializes in the research and development of technical products used to create nanoparticles in pharmaceuticals. The technology is used as a complement in the production process and is used for the treatment of diseases such as ALS and Alzheimer's. The customers consist of companies in the global pharmaceutical industry. Nanoform Finland mainly operates in the Nordic market and is headquartered in Helsinki.
Læs mereMarkedsværdi
100,93 mio. EUR
92,78 t EUR
2,57 mio.
-874,71 %
Udbytteafkast, %
Årsrapport '24
Generalforsamling '25
Delårsrapport Q1'25
ViserAlle indholdstyper
Nanoform Finland Plc - Manager's Transactions - Peter Hänninen
Nanoform Finland Plc - Manager's Transactions - Edward Hæggström
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Nanoform Finland Plc - Manager's Transactions - Albert Hæggström
The Board of Directors of Nanoform Finland Plc decided on issue of stock options under an option program open to all employees

Life Science Companies as Investments | Life Science Night Dec. 2, 2024
Nanoform Finland Plc - Manager's Transactions - Peter Hänninen
Nanoform Finland Plc - Manager's Transactions - Albert Hæggström

Nanoform, Audiocast with teleconference, Q3'24
Nanoform Q3 2024 report: Record number of new projects signed
Invitation to Nanoform's Q3 2024 Report Presentation
Disclosure as attachment of the Nanoform 2022 Report of the Board of Directors and Financial Statements which were previously linked to a Company Release
Share subscriptions based on Nanoform Finland Plc's stock options 2/2019
Nanoform and Celanese Expand Collaboration into Long-Acting Biologics Delivery Through Small Implants