Curasight (One-pager): Extensive pipeline milestones in 2025
The investment case for Curasight is driven by the successful development of its uPAR PET imaging platform uTRACE and targeted radionuclide therapy uTREAT and entering partnerships to validate its technology, obtain funding, and potentially secure successful commercialization. Curasight has entered a partnership with French-based Curium in 2023, regarding uTRACE in prostate cancer, which will provide Curasight with up to USD 70 million in milestones, and strengthens Curasight’s ability to source radioisotopes, which have previously been a bottle-neck.
The Phase II uTRACE study with Curium awaits data from the first part of the study in Q1 2025, following which the larger part 2 will be initiated with Curasight expecting Phase II headline results during H2 2025. On the uTREAT side Curasight plans to initiate a smaller study for uTREAT in GBM (Glioblastoma Multiforme), expecting to submit a CTA (clinical trial application) in Q1 2025, expecting preliminary read-out of part 1 of the Phase I/IIa trial data in H2 2025. Following the GBM trial Curasight will run a basket trial for uTREAT across indications.
Curasight’s funding requirements were not fully met from its latest TO2 warrant program and continues discussions with institutional investors, and potential milestone payments from its Curium partnership to reach its clinical goals. We assess funding has negatively impacted the share with our model suggesting a market implied PoS for only uTRACE of 12%.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Curasight for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. /Claus Thestrup 8:50 AM 21-01-2025
Curasight er en dansk biotekvirksomhed med fokus på at udvikle og forbedre opdagelsen og behandlingen af kræft på en mere skånsom og effektiv måde. På nuværende tidspunkt modtager patienter radioaktiv stråling i behandlingen mod kræft. Dette skader kræftcellerne, såvel som raske celler og væv i kroppen. Curasight teknologi er baseret på formålet om ikke at skade raske celler og væv. Virksomheden har to pipeline-produkter, der begge bruger radionuklid (nuklearmedicin) til at forbedre diagnosticering og behandling af forskellige kræfttyper; uTRACE bruger den såkaldte uPAR receptore som sidder på kræftceller, som en biomarkør til at diagnosticere kræften, samt dens udvikling. Selskabets andet product uTREAT, anvender uPAR som en receptor til at behandle kræften. Baseret på stærke fase 2-data, der allerede er indsamlet i 2022, forventes Curasight at forberede fase 3 til uTRACE senere i 2022 og 2023 for følgende fire kræfttyper: prostata, hjerne, neuroendokrine og hoved- og halskræft.
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