Xintela AB Interim Report January - September 2023
Summary of the interim report
The “Company” or “Xintela” refers to Xintela AB (publ), corporate registration number 556780-3480.
Third quarter 2023 for the group
Income amounted to TSEK 0 (0).
Loss before tax totalled TSEK 11,953 (loss: 14,456).
Loss per share was SEK 0.02 (loss: 0.11).
First nine month 2023 for the group
Income amounted to TSEK 0 (0).
Loss before and tax totalled TSEK 46,192 (loss: 49,781).
Loss per share was SEK 0,11 (loss: 0,36)
Third quarter 2023 for the parent company
Income amounted to TSEK 0 (0).
Loss before tax totalled TSEK 8,916 (loss: 9,197).
Loss per share was SEK 0.02 (loss: 0.07).
First nine month 2023 for the parent company
Income amounted to TSEK 0 (0).
Loss before tax totalled TSEK 30,469 (loss: 31,786).
Loss per share was SEK 0,08 (loss: 0,23).
At September 30, 2023, the equity/assets ratio was 82 % (59).
Significant events in the third quarter of 2023
Xintela publishes the outcome of the rights issue. (July 4, 2023)
Xintela gets product patent in USA for chondrocyte-based products. (August 15, 2023)
Significant events after the end of the period
Xintela’s stem cell product, XSTEM, has been assessed as safe at all dose levels in knee osteoarthritis clinical study. (October 10, 2023)
The complete report is available for download below and on the company’s website