Columbus (One-pager): A strategic review has been initiated to accelerate the growth strategy

Last week, Columbus reported unaudited results for 2024 and provided its new 2025 guidance. Additionally, Columbus announced that a strategic review has been initiated to accelerate the growth strategy, potentially leading to a change in ownership, merger, or other consolidation.
We have updated our investment case one-pager with the new 2025 guidance and recent news, including an updated overview of the peer group of Nordic-listed IT services and consultancy companies. In addition to valuation perspectives, the one-pager introduces Columbus and highlights key investment reasons and risks. The company is expected to announce its full annual report for 2024 on 13 March 2025.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Columbus for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement./ Kasper Lihn 10:30, 20 January 2025.
Columbus er en it -virksomhed. Virksomheden tilbyder rådgivning og løsninger inden for digital transformation, cloud-baserede løsninger, analyseprogrammer og forskellige IoT-løsninger. Operationer udføres på et globalt plan med kunder, der hovedsageligt i detail-, fødevare- og fremstillingsindustrien. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1990 og har sit hovedkontor med beliggenhed i Ballerup.
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